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55 Local governments yet to present yearly spending plan

55 Local governments yet to present yearly spending plan
Kathmandu, November 16

The government says upwards of 55 among 753 nearby governments in the nation are yet to present their yearly spending arrangement for the current monetary year 2018/19 however four months have gone since the start of the year.

Laws have it that the neighborhood units need to table their yearly spending plan at their committee gatherings by June 24 consistently.

Notwithstanding, the 55 neighborhood units have neglected to maintain the law because of absence of coordination with commonplace and government units, as indicated by Baikuntha Aryal, Secretary of National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission.

Aryal says the recently shaped Commission's execution has been prevented by the deferral in presentation of spending plan. The Commission is as of now having exchanges with government, commonplace and nearby units to choose how to appropriate assets among them.

Then, Aryal asked all the nearby units to pursue the protected arrangements.

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